The TGs headed West to enjoy the Nueces River. For kayaks we took a Native Manta Ray 11, Liquidlogic Manta Ray 12, and a Jackson Coosa. On Monday, Evelyn and I paddled from CR408 down to Chalk Bluff Park, where we had camp set up for two nights. It was wonderful as we were the only campers on the mile long frontage of the river. Alex joined us Monday night and we all paddled from CBP to CR405 on Tuesday. It had been a while since we paddled a West Texas river and the peace and relaxation the Nueces River generously gave us was needed and welcomed. We saw Great Blue Herons, Red-Tailed Hawks, Turkey and Black Vultures, a Black-chinned Humminbird nesting, a Vermillion Flycatcher (stunning), a Yellow-throated Warbler, Green Kingfishers, Eastern Wood-Pewee, along with 3 Aoudads, and a few Diamondback Water Snakes. The water was crystal clear, cool, and running 112CFS, on Monday, and 108 CFS, on Tuesday. The Nueces is a typical West Texas river as, at this water level, it runs fairly shallow (we did walk some) and has fun little Class I Rapids and wall shots. Peace here is abundant. FYI – any time you paddle in the desert, choose a section length you know you can handle easily. Being able to read current and depth is important. A big thank you to Sky Lewey who gave us all the great information we needed to enjoy her special river!