Duane and Alex Run the Blanco River

What should we do on a beautiful, 75 degree, January day? After checking the river gauges, we headed West as the Blanco River had good water, YES! We loaded up our Jackson Coosa and Coosa HD for this trip. The Blanco River, at the Fischer Store Road bridge, was running 178 CFS when we jumped on. It was a good flow, allowing us to run all the many riffles, Class I, and Class II rapids without getting out. We did portage 2 low water crossings but ran the others. The side creeks were running, the fish were swimming, birds were everywhere, and the river was all ours. Alex and I paddled a little over 10 miles from FSR bridge to the 7A Ranch low water crossing. The trip took a little over 3 hours (we tend to keep our paddles wet). It was gorgeous and wonderful! Because we could not park at 7A Ranch, it was booked and parking was not available, Evelyn volunteered to run shuttle. Next time we all go! FYI – this is not a novice run and not really an option under 150 CFS as the rapids and flutes become boney.

Dropping in near Fischer Store Road bridge
Joining the main channel
Alex leading the way
Low water crossing we are portaging over
Duane taking in the wonderful scenery
Alex getting a closer look at the water seeping through the rock walls
Alex coming through one of the many rapids on the river
Alex rolling down in the Jackson Coosa
Beautiful trees lining the river
Alex coming down another set of rapids, great fun!
Shallow flute-lined river bed
Evelyn picking the boys up at 7A Ranch
Amy’s Ice Cream, always a tasty way to end a trip
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